Mirror and more…

George Tsakiris – Fotis Mandatzis

March 21 – April 26, 2009

The synthesis of George Tsakiris and Fotis Mandatzis that aestheticizes our relationship with the useful object, inaugurated on Saturday 2009 at the Papatzikou Gallery in Veria, could be characterized as a kind of synthesis of ideas that have developed around the function of nature in art.

These works are dominated by a dialogue with the physical and the technical, a coexistence of the archaic with the new, of the concrete with the unknown.

These objects are paradoxical in that, starting from subversive positions in relation to the artistic historical event, they manage to present it as the creation of another style.

The two accompanying artists from the late 80’s on the streets and paths of Mount Paikos in this collection present mirrors and other objects.

George Tsakiris was born in Giannitsa in 1955, he studied electronics and then painting-engraving at the School of Fine Arts of Florence.

He teaches painting at the School of Fine Arts of AUTh.

Fotis Mandatzis was born in Giannitsa in 1970. He studied painting and engraving at the School of Fine Arts of Rome and teaches art at the Secondary School.

The exhibition will run until April 27, 2009.