”only… five”
‘ ”only… five” 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 – 31 Ιανουαρίου 2007 Μανόλης Γιανναδάκης – Γιώργος Κατσάγγελος – Βελισσάριος Κρίστιτς – Κωστής Τριανταφύλλου – Γιώργος Τσακίρης Την Παρασκευή 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 η γκαλερί Παπατζίκου στη Βέροια παρουσιάζει την ομαδική έκθεση των Μανόλη Γιανναδάκη, Γιώργου Κατσάγγελου, Βελισσάριου Κρίστιτς, Κωστή Τριανταφύλλου, Γιώργου Τσακίρη. Με την έκθεση αυτή […]

Sotos Zachariadis – Giannis Mavidis – Andreas Tsortanidis
Σ. Ζαχαριάδη, Γ. Μαβίδη και Α. Τσορτανίδη 9 Φεβρουαρίου – 17 Μαρτίου 2007 Την Παρασκευή 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 η ΓΚΑΛΕΡΙ- ΠΑΠΑΤΖΙΚΟΥ στη Βέροια, Αγ. Αντωνίου 26, παρουσιάζει την ομαδική έκθεση των Σώτο Ζαχαριάδη, Γιάννη Μαβίδη, Ανδρέα Τσορτανίδη. Τρεις καλλιτέχνες που ζουν και εργάζονται στη Θεσσαλονίκη συναντιούνται στη Βέροια, όπου και […]

Parentheses Nikolas Bliatkas – Maria Letsiou – Stergios Bozinis April 30-April 30, 2007 Works of the last period of the artists are exhibited in order to constitute a dialogue through the diversity that characterizes them. Nikolas Bliatkas, using the precise and clean design in combination with mixed techniques, takes inspiration from the plant world and […]

Duennebier Ingo, Zuni Opy, Karyotaki Fotini, Kalfas Christos, Mouronikos Christos, Xonoglou Dimitris, Tsakiris George, Chrysidou Elli. 23 May – 20 June 2007 The exhibition includes paintings, photography, drawings and constructions. The party that will follow will be attended and played by the band – in Verroia Working hours. Wed-Thu-Fri 17.00-21.00 / Wed-Sat 10.00-14.00

21/9 – 20/10 – 2007 VIKI KORAKAKI – NIKOLAS LOLOS – KASSIANI PAPPA – EMILIA SERDAKI Searches is the title of the exhibition that opens on Friday, September 21 at 20:00, at the Papatzikou Gallery, 26 Ag. Antoniou, in Veria. The exhibition presents the work of four young artists Viki Korakaki, Nikola Lolou, Cassiani Pappa […]

Stelios Skoulos
Stelios Skoulos October 19 – November 15, 2007 paintings, drawings, sculptures and collages Stellios Skoulos, – writes Giorgos Lazogas, – the most talented student of Sahini, chose a lonely, methodical way, but also with great faith. I remain a fan of his paintings and his exceptional drawings which are the identity of an era that […]

The basements
The basements MARIA HATZIMOURATI November 23 – November 15, 2007 In the work of Maria Chatzimourati, writes Emmanuel Mavrommatis – professor of Art History from 1985 to 2002 at the Department of Fine and Applied Arts of AUTh. – we recognize some important properties. One attribute will be the purity with which Maria Hatzimourati highlights […]

1st YEAR
SMALL GROUP EXHIBITION PAPATZIKOU gallery, completing a year of operation, celebrates and organizes a small group exhibition with paintings, engravings, sculptures, constructions, photography. The successful presentation of important solo and group exhibitions marked the beginning of a continuous and fruitful presentation of works of art in the city of Veria. Believing that real art is […]

Man in focus 1985-2008
Man in focus 1985-2008 Exhibition duration: 1 Mar. – 30 Apr. 2008 .CURRICULUM VITAE George Katsangelos studied photography with a scholarship at BROOKLYN COLLEGE of New York. His teacher is Walter Rosenblum. He is a Professor in the Department of Fine and Applied Arts of the School of Fine Of Arts of AUTh. He was […]

GIORGOS KATSAGGELOS March 6 – April 3, 2008 George Katsangelos, one of the most important Greek living photographers, presents photographs taken over a long period of time, ie from 1985 – 2008. The exhibition, whose main theme is man, covers images that were included in the thematic sections he presented during times the artist. Images […]

Stavros Panagiotakis
STAVROS PANAGIOTAKIS 12 April -12 May 2008 Wandering, identity, integration into a transitional society, the search for survival / happiness, are elements of the theoretical structure of the work. The collective transition from place to place, the wandering and the breaking of the boundary of the private with the public space, create the total transformation […]

The PAPATZIKOU gallery inaugurates on Saturday, May 17, 2008 at 8.00 pm the last exhibition of the season and presents the work of KONSTANTINA KATRAKAZOU ΄΄ true untruth assimilated become smoke ΄΄. Color images from war stories are reflected as a flashback to the black and white looks of people. These are works of mixed […]