21/9 – 20/10 – 2007


Searches is the title of the exhibition that opens on Friday, September 21 at 20:00, at the Papatzikou Gallery, 26 Ag. Antoniou, in Veria. The exhibition presents the work of four young artists Viki Korakaki, Nikola Lolou, Cassiani Pappa and Emilia Serdaki who seek to explore their limits by presenting their artistic concerns.

Viki Korakaki deals with the shaping of the process of the fetus in the primary stage and its overthrow after external intervention. The completion of the miracle is interrupted unpredictably, the result is fatal and irreversible, it causes feelings of awe in the face of the tragic event.

Endless is the title of the works of Nikolas Lolos, where it means endless what exceeds every limit, which has no end. Each point is a moment in the course of history. The participation of the individual in this process and the role he plays in the course of life are the main quests of the artist.

Cassiani Pappa deals with the metaphysical performance of the objects of the everyday environment, giving them oversized shapes that do not correspond to their real dimensions in relation to the space, thus creating the feeling of magic and play towards the viewer.

Emilia Serdaki deals with the distance between appearing and being. The notion that the inner world contains the truth may be an illusion. Our insecurity forces us to choose exactly where our true selves are. A dilemma or not?

The exhibition is curated by Maria Vogiatzis.

The exhibition will run until October 20.

Working hours

Tuesday-Thursday-Friday, 17:00 – 21:00

Wednesday – Saturday, 10:00 – 16:00