Portraits in memory engraved

Nikos Terzis

January 16 – February 16, 2010

Nikos Terzis, we would say that he belongs to the Greek artists of the “Diaspora”, who emigrated from Thessaloniki in 1981, studied at the Academy of Arts in Warsaw, studying painting and engraving, with postgraduate studies in the art of artistic poster . He distinguished himself and almost immediately was chosen to teach at the same school.

His cosmopolitan (world traveler) disposition has brought him to Stockholm since 1991, where he has lived and worked, dividing his time between Stockholm, Warsaw, and his hometown of Evros.

He has presented his work in many solo exhibitions in Sweden, Poland, Romania, Denmark and Greece.

This exhibition he presents here, is his second solo in our country, and his works are small engravings, a section of the many he has done. They are works made with the techniques of dry engraving, his choice, which contrasts the techniques of oxygraphy, because he wants to have the same results in these works as the oxygraphic techniques and they are works rich in content both as an idea and as an aesthetic result.

These are portraits, as he says of “friends and strangers”, which stands out as a choice from the multitude of his observation of his 20,085 days, and he in turn, in the small hard metal molds.

Nikos Terzis is, among others, an excellent cartoonist-illustrator, with numerous applications in the illustrations of books, newspapers or other publications in Stockholm, but also an artist who gives time and weight to his communication and social mediations, as an art director since 1998. at the Center for Greek Culture in Stockholm, with intense activity in cultural exchanges between foreign and Swedish artists.

From 1994 to 2004, member of the Board. of the Enkehuset Gallery Foundation, even as an exhibition curator. This mood is also accepted by artists from Thessaloniki who have hosted exhibitions in Stockholm such as K. Lachas, G. Katsangelos, M. Giannadakis, X. Sachinis, V. Karkatselis and others.

We hope that this exhibition will be the beginning for more frequent exhibitions of the different sections of painting or engraving and others that he has been working on continuously from 1987 until today.


The exhibition will last until February 16, 2010 and the opening hours of the Gallery are Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 17:00 – 21:00, Wednesday, Saturday 10:00 – 14:00 (and by appointment).