January 17 – February 15, 2014

This is an exhibition of special importance as through the work of important artists the world of design is revealed as a charming visual adventure.

From the artists Vangelis Dimitreas, Giorgos Milios, Giannis Valavanidis, Chroni Botsoglou, Kyriakos Katzourakis, Cleopatra Diga, Kyriakos Mortarakos, Kostis Triantafyllou, Michalis Arfaras, Xeni Sachinis, George Tsanos, Giorgos Tsakoris , and Constantino Pacio we see the plan to maintain its usefulness but also its virtues as an autonomous and self-sufficient means of expression.

Drawings, sketches, notes even when they are exactly what they say, often thanks to their freshness and sincerity reflect more charm and interest than a finished project.

The art critic and curator of the exhibition Mr. Christos Theofilis notes:

What determines the artist’s worldview is not what he advocates, but with whose eyes he sees the world. Explicitly clear in the “opposite”, because he consciously defines it as a structure that has no spiritual interest to converse or complain about what darkens him. The “dialogue” that springs from complaint finds him a sad victim of life in a coffin-resort of museums, galleries. The creator is part of a classless world of spiritual relations to the purity-purification of ancient tragedy. In these sources, in the sounds of nymphs, marbles pulsate, color and poetic speech, there in the face of the long cultural history, living memory, the free-spirited Xenakis, Skalkotas, Christou, Mitropoulos, Halepas, Sklavos, Steris, Bouzianos, Bouzianis, Kalas, Aris Alexandrou, Varnalis, Sachtouris, Livaditis, attendees at a funeral dinner of eternal dialogue, ascending from Ancient Olympia to the banks of Lousios-Alfeios and from there to the sacred peak of Arkades, Lycao.


Costas Ananidas: Born in Athens in 1964. He studied at the 2nd sculpture workshop of the Athens School of Fine Arts (1983-88).

Michalis Arfaras: was born in Athens in 1954. In 2006 he became a professor and director of the “Engraving” department at the Athens School of Fine Arts.

Giannis Valavanidis: Born in Athens in 1939. He taught painting at the Athens School of Fine Arts (1981-2005), where he was Vice Rector from 2001 to 2004. He was a founding member of the group “Young Greek Realists”.

Vangelis Dimitreas: He was born in Melissi, Corinth in 1934. In 1984 he became a Professor at the Department of Fine and Applied Arts of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He was a founding member of the 4+ Team

Lina Dimitropoulou: Lina Dimitropoulou was born in Athens. He did free painting studies. He lives and works in Athens

Cleopatra Diga: Cleopatra Diga studied painting and scenography at the Α.Σ.K.T. He has founded the art workshop of DEPAK of Kalamata and DEPAT of Patras. He was a founding member of the group “Young Greek Realists”.


Kyriakos Katzourakis: Kyriakos Katzourakis was born in 1944 in Athens. In 2006 he became a professor at the School of Fine Arts of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and president of the Department of Fine and Applied Arts. He was a founding member of the group “Young Greek Realists”.

Harris Kontosfyris: Haris Kontosfyris was born in Mytilene, Lesvos in 1965. Since 2007 he has been teaching the Department of Plastic Arts at the University of Ioannina and in 2010 he was elected professor at the School of Fine Arts of the University of Western Macedonia (Florina).

George Milios: was born in Athens in 1935. In 1996 he became a professor of engraving at the Athens School of Fine Arts where he taught until 2002.

Kyriakos Mortarakos: Born in Athens in 1948. Since 2005 he has been a full professor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in the Department of Fine and Applied Arts

Chronis Botsoglou: was born in 1941 in Thessaloniki. In 1989 he was elected professor of painting at ASKT, where he also served as rector (2001–2006). He was a founding member of the group “Young Greek Realists”.

Konstantinos Patsios: born in Athens in 1977 He studied Art at the Rhode Island School of Design in Boston and at the Athens School of Fine Arts.

Xenis Sachinis: Born in Thessaloniki in 1954. In 1997 he was elected professor of engraving at the Department of Fine and Applied Arts of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Kostis Triantafyllou: Born in 1950 in Athens. . In the period 1968-72 he studied Political Science at the National Kapodistrian University of Athens and from 1972-76 he continued his studies at Universite Paris VIII, in the Department of Cinema and Fine Arts.

George Tsakiris: Born in Giannitsa in 1955. In 1997 he was elected professor at the Department of Fine and Applied Arts of the Aristotle University

Manolis Haros: Manolis Haros was born in Kythira. in 1960. Studied engraving and painting at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts in Paris (1978-1982)