1st YEAR

SMALL GROUP EXHIBITION PAPATZIKOU gallery, completing a year of operation, celebrates and organizes a small group exhibition with paintings, engravings, sculptures, constructions, photography. The successful presentation of important solo and group exhibitions marked the beginning of a continuous and fruitful presentation of works of art in the city of Veria. Believing that real art is […]
2nd YEAR

51 ARTISTS exhibit painting, sculpture, engraving, constructions, photography. The PAPATZIKOU gallery, Ag. Antoniou 26, for the 2nd consecutive year organizes an exhibition of small-scale works. The opening of the exhibition took place on Saturday, December 6 at 6 p.m. The participating artists are. Aloneftou Maria, Vavatsis Nikos, Vlassopoulos George, Giannadakis Manolis, Efstathiadis Alexandros, Efstathiou Mania, […]
3rd YEAR

ladies for a cause* 19/12/2009 – 9/1/2010 On Saturday, December 19, 2009 the Papatzikou Gallery and 15 ladies of art are the artists, Efi Angelidou, Maria Aloneftou, Christianna Iliopoulou, Vicky Korakaki, Dimitra Koula, Maria Despina Kyriakou, Marina Konstantaki, Despairia Konstantinou, Despina Konstantinou Anna Spartali, Eleftheria Stoikou, Dimitra Tzotziou, Maria Chatzimourati in a festive atmosphere welcomed […]
4th YEAR

40 young artists exhibit small-scale works. The opening of the exhibition will take place on Saturday, December 18 from 12:00 noon to 6:00 pm in a festive atmosphere. Because art is not a luxury but a necessity, the small form exhibition became an institution. For the fourth consecutive year we give the opportunity to young […]
5th YEAR
77 artists exhibit painting, engraving, sculpture, photography, drawing, construction, jewelry. A great celebration of art, an important cultural-artistic event of a charitable nature was inaugurated last Wednesday with great success at the PAPATZIKOU gallery. The small-format Christmas exhibition bears the signature of big names of yesterday, today and tomorrow. Visitors have the opportunity to tour […]
6th YEAR

“Small Form” Christmas Exhibition PAPATZIKOU Gallery organizes for the sixth year a festive exhibition “Mikris Formas” and invites you to a real celebration of art. The opening of the exhibition will take place on Sunday 16 December from 12:00 noon to 6:00 pm in a festive atmosphere. Our goal is to consolidate collaborations and encourage […]
8th YEAR

The “SMALL FORM” became an institution. For the eighth consecutive year we give the opportunity to renowned and young artists to meet and communicate through their work with an audience sometimes unsuspecting and sometimes informed but at the same time broad and demanding. Our goal is to contribute, with our choices and our proposals, to […]
8th YEAR

Περισσότεροι από εκατό καλλιτέχνες συμμετέχουν στην εορταστική έκθεση που για όγδοη συνεχόμενη χρονιά διοργανώνουμε και σας προσκαλούν στα εγκαίνια που θα πραγματοποιηθούν την Κυριακή 14 Δεκεμβρίου από τις 12:00 το μεσημέρι έως τις 10:00 το βράδυ σε εορταστική ατμόσφαιρα. Η έκθεση παρουσιάζει ζωγραφική, χαρακτική, σχέδιο, γλυπτική, φωτογραφία, ξυλογραφία, κεραμική, κατασκευές, κόσμημα, και χρηστικά αντικείμενα Διάρκεια […]

Opening: Sunday, December 6, 2015, at 12:00 the Α.Μ Alexaki (am2). Katia Varvaki. Pavlos Vassiliadis. Giannis Vouros. Froso Vyzovitou. Manolis Giannadakis. Penelope Gaiti. George Giotsas. Tassa Ganidou. Vissarion Gekopoulos. Aphrodite Gray. Aphrodite Twelve. Thanos Ziakas. Danis Ziogas. George Iliadis. Marie Theofilou. Artemis Theodorou. Ioanna Kazaki. Hope Kalogeridou. Vassilis Karakatsanis. Kalli Kastori. George Katsangelos. Theodosia Kekeli. […]

Η «ΜΙΚΡΗ ΦοΡΜΑ» έγινε θεσμός. Τα εγκαίνια της έκθεσης που για ένατη συνεχόμενη χρονιά διοργανώνουμε θα πραγματοποιηθούν την Κυριακή 6 Δεκεμβρίου από τις 12 το μεσημέρι έως τις 10 το βράδυ σε εορταστική ατμόσφαιρα. Η έκθεση παρουσιάζει ζωγραφική, χαρακτική, σχέδιο, γλυπτική, κατασκευές και φωτογραφία. συμμετέχουν οι Α.Μ Αλεξάκη(αμ2) . Κάτια Βαρβάκη . Παύλος Βασιλειάδης . […]